CSS Profile

Yale's CSS College Code is 3987

Date available: October 1


The CSS Profile collects information used by some colleges and scholarship programs to award institutional aid funds. Institutional aid is a substantial part of the financial aid package for most Yale College students, and the Profile, along with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for U.S. citizens and permanent residents, is used to determine eligibility for Yale scholarships. The CSS Profile provides more detailed information than the FAFSA and is required for all students applying for a Yale scholarship.

The CSS Profile has a submission fee, but fee waivers are available for eligible first-year students to keep this cost from being a barrier to financial aid.  More information about our  CSS Profile fee waiver process will begin November for Early Action, February for Regular Decision, and mid March for Eli Whitney.

For more information about the Profile, see the College Board's CSS Profile website.

Instructions for U.S. citizens and permanent residents: 

• Apply on line on the College Board's website using Yale's CSS College Code: 3987.

• You should gather as much personal financial information as possible before beginning.

• If applicable, families should complete all required CSS supplements as well.

Please note:
• Yale receives your profile data electronically from CSS, so do not send copies or printouts of your application to Yale.

• The CSS Profile provides a fee waiver for first-year U.S. applicants from low-income families with few assets. If you qualify for the waiver, it is processed automatically based on the financial information you enter in the Profile, and no fee will be charged.

Instructions for Canadian citizens: 

• Apply on line on the College Board's website using Yale's CSS College Code: 3987.

• You should gather as much personal financial information as possible before beginning.

• If applicable, families should complete all required CSS supplements as well.

Please note:
Yale receives your profile data electronically from CSS, so do not send copies or printouts of your application to Yale.

Instructions for international citizens: 

At Yale we ask our international financial aid applicants to use the online College Board CSS Profile if they are able to do so. This option provides Yale with more accurate and complete financial information, a consistent calculation of ability to pay, and quicker access to financial information without the delay of mailing, sorting, and imaging required for our systems. For those students who are not able to use the online CSS Profile (because of lack of internet access, lack of credit card access, or other financial difficulties), please contact our office.

• Apply on line on the College Board's website using Yale's CSS College Code: 3987.

• You should gather as much personal financial information as possible before beginning.

• If applicable, families should complete all required CSS supplements as well.

Please note:
Yale receives your profile data electronically from CSS, so do not send copies or printouts of your application to Yale.

Student type: 
Prospective students, Early Action, Regular Decision, New students, Continuing students, Eli Whitney students, Transfer students
Student citizenship: 
U.S. citizens, Canadian citizens, International citizens (non-Canadian)