A student loan for those with financial need who do not qualify for U.S. federal or Canadian student loans. View the Truth in Lending disclosure for Yale Graduate/Professional International-Student Loans.
Available to international students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and in some professional schools; not all professional schools offer this loan.
Yale Graduate and Professional International Loan amounts may not exceed the cost of attendance minus any other financial assistance received. However, each participating school determines the actual loan limit for its own students.
Interest begins to accrue upon disbursement of loan funds. Students are responsible for interest payments on the loan while in school. A student may pay the interest monthly while still in school or may capitalize the interest by allowing it to accrue and adding it to the principal when the loan goes into repayment.
Six month grace period; maximum 10 years
The standard repayment term is 120 months with a minimum monthly payment of $50.
Students in the Graduate School should visit the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences website for additional information.
Professional-school students should contact their school's financial aid office for information on loan availability and application procedures.